Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd (“IITH”) is a subsidiary company of Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei (“TAIB”). Established on 3rd March 1993, IITH was known as Takaful TAIB Sdn Bhd and is the first Takaful company in Brunei, offering various range of Takaful product in confirmity to the Syariah Principles.
In 2010, in compliance to Takaful Order 2008, IITH established two (2) subsidiary companies namely Insurans Islam TAIB General Takaful Sdn Bhd (“IITGT”) and Insurans Islam TAIB Family Takaful Sdn Bhd (“IITFT”), and handed down its business portfolio to IITGT and IITFT via business transfers.
Yang Mulia
as Chairman, Board of Directors of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Yang Mulia
as Member, Board of Directors of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Acting Director General
Public Service Department
Yang Mulia
as Member, Board of Directors of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Senior Investment Manager
Darussalam Assets Sdn Bhd
Yang Mulia
as Member, Board of Directors of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Managing Director
Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei
Yang Mulia
as Independent Member, Board of Directors of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Chief Executive Officer
IT Protective and Security Service Sendirian Berhad (ITPSS)
Interim Commissioner of Cyber Security Brunei (CSB)
Yang Mulia
as Chairman, Syariah Advisory Committee of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Assistant Mufti (Ifta'),
State Mufti's Office, Prime Minister's Office
Yang Mulia
as Deputy Chairman, Syariah Advisory Committee of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Syariah and Law, UNISSA
Deputy Chairman, Centre for Graduate Studies, UNISSA
Yang Mulia
as Member of Syariah Advisory Committee of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Deputy Permanent Secretary (Policy and Religious)
Ministry of Religious Affairs
Yang Arif
as Member of Syariah Advisory Committee of Insurans Islam TAIB Holdings Sdn Bhd and subsidiaries.
Syariah High Court Judge,
Syariah High Court, The National Department of Justice
Satu skim/pelan yang berdasarkan prinsip persaudaraan, perpaduan dan saling tolong-menolong dengan menyediakan pampasan berbentuk kewangan yang akan diberikan kepada peserta yang ditimpa musibah, di mana peserta lain bersetuju untuk menyumbangkan jumlah yang tertentu bagi tujuan tersebut.
A scheme/plan based on brotherhood, solidarity and mutual assistance which provides for mutual financial aid and assistance to the participants in case of need whereby the participants mutually agree to contribute for that purpose.
Tabarru’ merupakan kontrak persetujuan peserta untuk memberikan sejumlah sumbangan yang akan dibayar ke dalam dana takaful.
Tabarru’ is an agreement by a participant to relinquish as donation, a sum of contribution that he or she agrees to pay into a Takaful fund.
Wakalah merujuk kepada kontrak apabila satu pihak sebagai prinsipal (Muwakkil) memberikan tanggungjawab ataupun amanah kepada satu pihak lain sebagai ejen (Wakil) untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas yang tertentu, yang juga boleh diwakilkan, sama ada secara sukarela ataupun dengan memberikan bayaran upah.
Wakalah refers to a contract in which a party as principal (Muwakkil) authorizes another party as his agent (Wakil) to perform a particular task, in matters that maybe delegated, either voluntary or with imposition of a fee.
Mudharabah ialah satu perjanjian perkongsian antara satu pihak yang bertindak sebagai pengusaha (Mudharib) dan pihak yang lain sebagai pemberi modal (Rabbul Mal). Kedua-duanya berkongsi keuntungan mengikut kadar nisbah yang telah dipersetujui.
Mudharabah is a form of partnership contract, in which one partner provides his skills and work (Mudharib) and the other partner (Rabbul Mal) provides capital. Both share the profits of the joint venture in accordance with pre-agreed ratio.
Komisyen atau ganjaran yang diberikan kepada satu pihak bagi sesuatu tugas yang diselesaikan.
Commission or reward paid to a person for completing a task.
Business Model
Yang Mulia
Assistant Managing Director (AMD)
Yang Mulia
General Manager, Information Management Technology (GM/IMT)
Yang Mulia
General Manager, General Takaful (GM/GT)
Yang Mulia
General Manager, Facility Management (GM/FM)
Yang Mulia
Assistant General Manager, Risk Management (AGM/RM)
Yang Mulia
Assistant General Manager, Human Resource and Administration (AGM/HRA)
Yang Mulia
Manager, Finance (M/FIN)
Yang Mulia
Manager, Legal and Compliance (M/LC)